
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. 


- Howard Thurman

About To The Vista

Founded by Alix Wilson Pistore, To The Vista is a leadership coaching practice offering custom coaching services to leaders interested in expanding their possibilities and achieving their goals with purpose.  The organization is founded upon the broader belief that when individuals take action to realize their purpose and potential, then organizations and communities become more compassionate, connected and accomplished.

To The Vista, in name, is inspired by Alix's love of nature and the grounded yet expansive feeling of reaching a summit, celebrating the accomplishment and visualizing the possibilities. This is a feeling that coaching has the power to evoke in leaders and that inspires meaningful action and change. 


My Approach to Coaching: I offer customized coaching engagements for leaders in non-profit organizations, government agencies and private sector companies. In partnership with you, I design and implement engagements that are tailored to meet your specific goals - Goals that will propel you and/or the leaders throughout your organization forward. Recognizing that one's personal and professional existences are, by nature, intertwined, my coaching addresses the whole person with the belief that this leads to more sustainable coaching outcomes. Effective coaching is highly co-creative; We will be partners in this process. 

How We'll Partner: In an introductory meeting or call we will discuss your goals for an individual or team coaching engagement. We will consider the ideal duration and frequency of our work together, depending on your goals and schedule. Engagements typically last six months, but may run anywhere from 3 months to more than a year depending on need.  Together, we'll determine whether phone calls, in-person meetings or a combination is best.

In the first coaching sessions, I will partner with the individual coachee to clarify the goals he or she wishes to achieve through our work together. These goals may relate to anything from more closely aligning personal and professional goals with core values to strengthening team morale to developing stronger leadership presence to better embracing new responsibilities or competencies. The possibilities are vast and will drive the outcomes of the coaching work. As sessions progress, I will ask powerful questions and share observations that help access your strengths, unveil new possibilities and inspire new action.  The value of coaching will come not only through our sessions together, but also through the time spent in between those sessions by you. We will co-create exercises and practices that support your goals in between sessions. And, together, we'll get there.

To learn more about my services and set up an introductory call, please contact me here. I look forward to connecting.


I had heard coaching was helpful for leaders but had no experience with the concept so I entered the experience with Alix a bit unsure of what would happen. If anything, I thought I would learn a discrete set of "leadership practices." What I am happy to share is that Alix inspired me to really view leadership as a journey rather than an achievement. ...She helped me evolve into a reflective leader from having been a much more "shoot-from-the-hip" style of leader. ...I learned how to be comfortable charting a course for my organization and then even sharing with others when a reflection led me to head in a different direction - something I NEVER would have done before the coaching I received with Alix. I highly recommend working with Alix!

- Wendy, Executive Director, Regional nonprofit aimed at closing the opportunity gap.

Alix Wilson Pistore, Founder & Coach

Why I believe in this work: I have a passion for partnering with clients to help them access authenticity, realize growth and accelerate impact across their organizations and communities. My coaching is informed by my experience building and growing organizations, in both private and nonprofit sectors, and as a strategy consultant and coach to leaders. These diverse, cross-sector experiences have underscored for me the power of the individual to effect positive change - and my belief in the power of coaching as a tool to strengthen individuals’ courage and capacity to make a difference.

How I got here: Before turning my passion for coaching into a Certificate in Leadership Coaching, I was Senior Director and Chief Strategy Officer at Community Wealth Partners. In this role, I led complex client engagements in education and health, built the firm’s consulting business and played a lead role in developing and implementing Community Wealth Partners’ own strategy. Before I joined Community Wealth Partners, I was one of three founding members of Malaria No More, a nonprofit that I helped grow from nothing to a $19M organization with twenty staff in four years. At Malaria No More, I served as the Director of Marketing and Operations where I led a team that helped dramatically increase malaria awareness in the United States and, ultimately, significantly reduce malaria deaths in Africa. Prior to launching Malaria No More, I was a founding team member of the global anti-poverty organization, Millennium Promise and served as deputy executive director for Teach for America New York City. 

I graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a degree in Economics, earned my MBA from Harvard University and hold a Certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University's Institute for Transformational Leadership. I am an ACC credentialed coach with International Coach Federation (ICF).

I feel most energized when I am experiencing something new - a new country, restaurant, physical activity, movie, professional challenge. Above all, I am most joyful and complete when I am with my husband, my son, or my friends outside - Ideally, on a mountain.

What's on your mind? 

Send me a message to learn more about what coaching could look like for you.